Onconomics Plus


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Onconomics Plus is designed to help a cancer patient personalize their treatment plan. This test evaluates the chemosensitivity of conventional and natural therapies thus determining which course of treatment would be effective. This test also evaluates of hyperthermia and radiation. 

The lab tests more than 50 common chemotherapy drugs and 45 natural substances with the option to add 5 of your own choosing. The categories of natural substances are cytotoxic, immunostimulants/immunomodulators, and PK inhibitors. The results show how sensitive or resistant the cancer will be to those substances. 

Here are some examples of the chemotherapeutic agents tested: Alkylating Agents, Epothilone, Inhibitors Topoisomerase 1 and 2, Nucleus spindle stabilizer 1 and 2, Nucleoside Analogues, and resistance factors.

Here are some examples of Natural substances tested: Artecin, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Black Cumin, Ivermectin, Poly-MVA, Indole-3-Carbinol, Curcumin, Resveratrol, and more. Substances like Methylene Blue can be added on request.

The test will also evaluate over 70 tumor related genes that control: growth factors and proliferation, self-repair and resistance, angiogenesis-metastasis , immortalization and apoptosis, and drug metabolism.

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*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.